What Is A Bunion?

Bunions are readily apparent in many people and are not only are they painful, but they are unsightly.  Faulty mechanical structure of the foot along with certain foot types will predispose one to this common foot deformity. 

The bunion deformity is not just a big bump on the side of the big toe, but a change in the bony framework of the first metatarsal phalangeal joint that creates a change to the biomechanics of the forefoot.  This deformity is progressive in nature and early treatment is very important because chronic deformities require surgical fixation.  As bunions get worse, they can cause basic foot gear to become discomforting and daily walking to become painful. 

Bunion On Foot | South Carolina Surgery Podiatrist


Nonsurgical treatment will range from changes in shoe gear, padding, orthotics, and medication.  Surgical treatment is based upon evaluation of the severity of the bunion and location of deformity, all guided by a podiatric physician.  Surgical procedures include but are not limited to fusing the big toe joint (removing the painful joint) if the joint is arthritic, performing the Lapidus procedure (proximal joint fusion with joint re-alignment), and even performing cutting edge technology with minimally-invasive bunion repair.  The new minimally-invasive bunion repair requires less trauma to the big toe joint, utilizes a tiny incision that is 2 to 4 times smaller then the traditional surgical repair, and allows patients to have a faster post-operative rehabilitation therapy.  These surgical treatment options can help those who suffer from this deformity return to day-to-day activities faster with a great outcomes. Seeing your local podiatrist will help to determine which procedure is best for you and that will provide you with the best outcome. 

Bunion XRay | South Carolina Surgery Podiatrist

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