There’s no need to try home remedies that don’t work. Our blog offers foot care protection, injury prevention, and other tips from a certified South Carolina podiatrist, helping you to see real results and lasting relief.
Are You Seeking The Services Of A Skilled South Carolina Podiatrist?
If you're seeking the services of a skilled South Carolina podiatrist you owe it to yourself to speak with our experienced podiatrists as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us online or call our Myrtle Beach office directly at 843.449.3668 to schedule your appointment. We are proud to service patients in any of our local podiatry offices including Carolina Forest, Surfside Beach, Conway, Little River and Myrtle Beach.
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Surprising Ways You Are Risking Your Foot HealthEveryone knows that high heels and pointed shoes are not the best for your feet, but your simple everyday events can also cause foot pain.
Hikers and HuntersAs brightly colored leaves dazzle the fall landscape, hikers and hunters nationwide will migrate to mountains, woods and fields, but many...
The Truth About InjectionsFew things are more uncomfortable when seeing a doctor than getting a shot. Most people can think back to at least one bad experience...
My Bed Sheet Hurts My Foot!Does your foot hurt so bad that you cannot touch a bed sheet? Do you have a joint that is red, hot, and swollen? If so, these are two common complaints of people suffering from gout or gouty arthritis.
What To Do With A Broken ToeHave you recently dropped something on your foot or accidentally run into a bedpost, table leg, or doorframe? These are common causes of injuring foot bones.
Tricky UlcersSometimes it seems ulcers have a mind of their own. One day they are looking great and are almost healed, and the next day they reopen...
High Heels and Your HealthHigh heels date back to the early 1600’s when raised heels were used by horse riders to prevent their foot from slipping forward while riding.
Don't Let Sore, Achy Feet Ruin Your Holiday SeasonIf the shoe fits, wear it—when hitting the dance floor or the shopping malls during the holiday season, don’t compromise comfort and safety.
Overusing Your BonesThe idea that you can actually overuse your bones sounds odd. Did you know that placing your bones under continued stress and use could cause them to fail?
Tips To Reduce Heel PainWomen don’t have to “grin and bear” the pain that comes with wearing fashionable shoes. The following steps will help you stay comfortable in your stylish shoes
What Is Causing This Pain?Being fashionable doesn’t have to hurt. Large purses or briefcases can lead to shoulder, neck, elbow, and back pain. Did you know it can also cause foot pain?
How to Prevent Athletes FootAnyone at any time can suffer from athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot can show up as burning, itching, redness, and dry skin on the bottom of the foot...