There’s no need to try home remedies that don’t work. Our blog offers foot care protection, injury prevention, and other tips from a certified South Carolina podiatrist, helping you to see real results and lasting relief.
Are You Seeking The Services Of A Skilled South Carolina Podiatrist?
If you're seeking the services of a skilled South Carolina podiatrist you owe it to yourself to speak with our experienced podiatrists as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us online or call our Myrtle Beach office directly at 843.449.3668 to schedule your appointment. We are proud to service patients in any of our local podiatry offices including Carolina Forest, Surfside Beach, Conway, Little River and Myrtle Beach.
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Tan Your NailsAs the summer heat nears, it is time to be getting your feet ready for sandals. People who suffer from yellow, thick, crumbly nails often dislike...
Are Your Feet Healthy?Ever wonder what you should be look for to make sure your feet are healthy? Just like the rest of your body, performing self exams is an...
Foot Exercises To Reduce Foot PainYou ask a lot from your feet every day. They are arguably the most abused part of the body as they must support our weight and move us from place to place while
Benefits of Walking On The BeachIn addition to a great ocean view, walking on along the beach offers many benefits including:
Products Designed to Prevent BunionsBunions form when the big toe angles towards the smaller toes and a la ]]> inflammation when the bump rubs against shoes. The most...
Tingly ToesDiscover how diabetic peripheral neuropathy causes tingly toes, numbness, and pain in the feet, along with tips for managing symptoms and preventing complications.